If you ask about Importance of social media marketing for channel partner's (real estate)

importance of social media marketing for channel partners

If you ask about Importance of social media marketing for channel partner's (real estate)

Here is the answer of Oyemarketor

Buying or selling a house is an important financial yet emotional decision. Most clients are full of questions when they undertake this endeavor.

Your clients always want more than someone with a real estate license. They want an agency who will protect their interests and help them search the complexities of property ownership. It is important that the agent they choose is someone they'll feel comfortable having by their side throughout the process.social media is a platform where you can find thousands of deals and offerings,a wide range of options are available, we just need to click on right thing and well aware company will take advantage of this facility, following are the main reasons that allow us to explain why it is important :

To promote the town, not just the house.

Home buyers want to know the good, bad, and ugly of each town to which they're supposed to move. Most real estate blogs simply give customers basic demographic statistics and may be with some flowery language about the area. Use your social media handles to give potential clients a far clearer understanding of the markets you serve, letting them know the pros and cons of there- to be neighborhood.

Many cities create a "@CityOf ..." Twitter handle, which you can mention directly in your tweets. Use these handles to showcase properties you have listed in that city. City accounts on Twitter tend to be receptive to these hashtags, and might retweet you increasing your post's approach to their followers.

Instagram Business accounts are also prime real estate for you to post beautiful pictures of the town in which your properties are listed.

2.To “Be yourself”

We've heard of many business people who used to pay a ghostwriter to write marketing copy, yet this approach has its risks. The copy simply does not ring true, it’s not that appealing to give clients a sense of who you really are. Studies show that consumers want to make a personal connection with those whom they do business ,and there's not much effort to write your own authentic social media content that represents who you are as a real estate agency.

Let your unique ability shine through across each social network you're on. It's a great way to open a conversation with your client before they ever pick up the phone.

3. To Educate your buyers.

Some of the most helping days as a real estate agent prove to be great lessons we can share with your clients. Talking about common real estate mistakes makes your buyers smarter, giving them a smoother browsing experience and inspiring them to work with you.

Social media is the perfect tool for this. If you have a blog, start writing articles about home-buying tips, and use social media to spread them. Perhaps you could tweet a "Real Estate Fact of the Day," hashtagging #realestate while you're at it.

4. To Chat with your followers.

Home buyers today expect quick responses to their questions, but where do they ask those questions?

buyers are contacting real estate agents much less than they used to with questions about a property or neighborhood. They just go online, use Facebook Recommendations feature, and tweet at real estate offices on Twitter. Be ready for this outcome, face them, and use these questions as an opportunity to start conversation with followers who might be in the early stages of the buying process.

5.To Respond to comments, good or bad.

Respond quickly and firmly yet confidently to engage readers who post comments on your social media sites. Do not feel compelled to respond to those who used to post abusive comments. Social media does cure its share of online bullies, and not every remark aimed at you is worth your breath.

Resist the urge to get into battle with your harshest people,and acknowledge those who praise your service. A lot of people who reach out to you are just looking for more information about a listing or a listing they might've thought was still available, but has been sold or rented before. Understand their frustration and use their comment as an opportunity to convert their interest to other properties.

Things you can avoid while utilizing social media

6. Scolding about your project listings

It's totally fine to let people know about the homes you're marketing, but don't make the house itself the primary topic of your approach. Think about similar questions home buyers and sellers ask you, and turn these into posts. Provide quality content and you'll keep people coming back.

7. Making a video and then forget to post

Today, 48% of people watch more than an hour's worth of Facebook or YouTube videos a week.

It's fine to skip the expense of shooting and editing a video, but online video is an important element of home marketing nowadays . Think about it: Home buyers are like visual buyers, and if done well, a video creates an emotional contact with them that they might not have from just a photo based listing.

8. Assuming you're only going to connect with first-time buyers

According to a recent report by the National Association of Realtors,35% of home buyers in India are 37 years old or younger. About 68% of them are first-time buyers. Now here's an even more interesting info: More than 80 million Facebook users today are in their late 40’s.

If you think you're just speaking to first-time home buyers on social media,then you should think again.

Social networks like Facebook, Instagram are great places to engage "followers" and learn what they're looking for from their agent, but keep in mind they're not all new to this process. Have content suited for all levels of home-buying that you want to experience ready to serve up to your fans and followers , you never know whom you'll be connecting with.

9. Self Assumptions!

A post, link, photo, or tweet on your profile might look great to you, but it means very less if it doesn't resonate with the followers who are following your page.

Social media is more about listening than about saying. Pay attention to what people are talking about you and your brand.observe and gather feedback through informal polls or through free survey services like Survey. This will definitely make sure each and every piece of content you share on social media platforms reflects the interests of your clients.

We hope this article will help you to satisfy your curiosity and to understand the importance of social media marketing especially in the real estate industry.

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